

Important Definitions For Every Civil Engineer..

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Elw8GG7Aq3LcPVhZvStHsNB6Gwejrz5iApartment / Flats:

Means multi-storied residential buildings constructed in a detached or semi-detached manner designed as ground floor with more upper floors and constructed as separate dwelling units with common stair case.

Detached Building:

“Detached building” means a building with walls and roofs independent of any other building and with open spaces on all sides.

Semi-Detached Building:

“Semi-Detached Building” means a building having one or more side attached with wall and roof with other building.


“Tenement” Means a residential dwelling unit constructed in a detached or semidetached manner. Each dwelling unit in a tenement building is designed and constructed for separate entry with independent sanitary provisions.


“Dwelling-1” means a detached dwelling unit used for residential purpose.

Dwelling – 2:

“Dwelling – 2”means semi-detached building, row house, tenement, used for residential or cottage industry or pre-school purpose.

Dwelling – 3: 

“Dwelling – 3” means Multi Story building used for habitation of multiple families and/or individuals such as apartments, flats, hostels, lodging and boarding or cottage industry or pre-school purpose.

Building Line :

Means the control line upto which the plinth of a building adjoining an existing, proposed or extended street may lawfully extend and includes the lines prescribed, if any, in any TP Schemes and/or Development Plan/any Statutory plan time being in force. The building line may change from time- to- time as decided by the authority.

Built-up Area:

Means the areas covered by a building on all floors including the cantilevered portions, if any, including walls and columns, but except the areas specifically excluded under these regulations.

Common Plot: 

Means a common open space exclusive of approaches and margin at ground level or at higher levels not exceeding 10.0 mts from the ground level of the Building-unit. The owner shall have to give an undertaking that the common plot shall be for the common use of all the resident or occupants of the Building-unit. On sanction of the development permission, the common plot shall deem to have vested in the society/ association of the residents/ occupants. In case such society or Association is to be formed, the possession/custody of common plot shall remain with Competent Authority until such association/society is formed. The common plot shall not be sold to any other person and it shall not be put to any other use except for the common use of the residents/occupants.


A courtyard means a space permanently open to the sky within the site or building structure.


Means a system or a line of pipes, with their fittings and accessories such as manhole, inspection chamber, traps gullies, floor traps use for drainage of building or yards appurtenant to the building within the same cartilage. A drain enclosed or open channel for conveying surface water or a system for the removal of any liquid.

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